Medical Quiz

Genetics and Probability Quiz

What is the passing of traits from parents to offspring called?

A. Alleles

B. Crossbreeding

C. Genetics

D. Heredity

Select your answer:


Lifetime Wellness Sarcomere Anatomy Cell Injury Psychology Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Normal Radiographic Anatomy Hematology in Veterinary Medicine Diseases of Digestive System Microbial Growth & Nutrition Pain Pathophysiology Physical Germs & Diseases Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Nutrition & Wellness

Other quiz:

Immune System › View

Which of the following works to prevent viruses from reproducing in healthy body cells?

A. antibodies

B. interferons

C. complement proteins

D. antibodies

Epithelial Tissue › View

In pseudostratified epithelium which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. All the cells attach to the basement membrane

B. The nuclei are at various layers of the tissue

C. It is multiple layers of cells

D. They may have cilia and goblet cells