Medical Quiz

Alzheimer Disease Quiz

Describe Alzheimer’s disease

A. A condition characterized by memory loss and cognitive decline.

B. A type of new technology.

C. A dietary supplement.

D. A muscle-building exercise.

Select your answer:


Enzyme Cell Diversity - Organization, Tissues, Plants and Animals Hematology Acute Leukemias Hematologic System Epithelial Tissue Pathology Endocrine Anatomy - Cellular Respiration The Cell Cycle & Cancer Nervous & Endocrine Systems PHE Healthy Lifestyle Mutations Systematic Bacteriology HFT Vitamins Benefits of Physical Activity EM Spectrum

Other quiz:

Medicinal use of Microorganisims › View

What are the four ways in which bacteria are spread?

A. touch, food, water, insects & animals

B. touch, sight, taste, hearing, smell

C. jumping, leaping, hopping, skipping

D. touch, food, drink, oxygen

Fats And Oil › View

Select false statement:

A. as energy storage sugar is denser than fat
B. human body can’t make unsaturated fats on its own
C. saturated fats are solids at room temperature (18-21C)
D. trans fats are harmful to our health and should be avoided at any cost