Medical Quiz

Forensic Pathology (Autopsy) Assessment Quiz

What is sawn off to expose the internal organs?

A. Ribs

B. Chestbone

C. Sternum

D. Skin

Select your answer:


Bone Marrow Histology A&P Musculoskeletal Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life The Microbial World Psychopathology Oncology Enzyme Forensic Pathology Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Visual Impairment PHE Body Fluids and Blood Cells Nutrition Vocabulary Alzheimer Disease Nervous System

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Which of the following is NOT a significant source of resistant starches?

A. bananas

B. potatoes

C. milk

D. legumes

E. grains

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The portion of the tooth embedded in the bone

A. root

B. crown

C. cementum

D. pulp