Medical Quiz

Forensic Pathology (Autopsy) Assessment Quiz

During an autopsy, what information can a PA get from the hands of a corpse?

A. Livor Mortis

B. Rigor Mortis

C. Skin for tattoos, bruises, & abrasions.

D. DNA under nails

Select your answer:


Hospital Wards and Departments Biochemistry Lab Muscle System Malaria Biodiversity Conservation Breathing ...Respiration The Nervous System and The Senses A&P Musculoskeletal Blood/Lymphatic/Immune The Brain Our Control Center Neurons Nutrition Vocabulary Carbohydrate Metabolism Characteristics of Life Stress and Mental Health

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Medicine or treatment that is administered and taken instead of conventional medicine.

A. alternative

B. complementary

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organelles in phagocytes that contain digestive enzymes to destroy engulfed pathogens 

A. lysosomes 

B. B lymphocytes 

C. non-specific defences 

D. phagocytosis