Medical Quiz

Sensory System Key Terms Quiz

A small bone in the middle ear which transmits vibrations of the eardrum to the incus.

A. stapes

B. malleus

C. papillae

D. cerumen

Select your answer:


Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Cardiorespiratory System Anatomy Muscles Eczema Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Serology/Blood Typing The Musculoskeletal System Characteristics of Life & Viruses Compact Bone Body Structures and Organ Systems Microbial Growth Human Muscle Infant Nutrition Hazards & Risks

Other quiz:

Biology › View

What is the study of classifying living things?

A. Pathology

B. Bacteriology

C. Taxonomy

D. Microbiology

Renal System - Pharmacology › View

Nocturia is defined as …….

A. “bedwetting”

B. inability to completely empty the bladder

C. form of insomnia