Medical Quiz

Hearing Impairment Quiz

Which of the following is a characteristic hearing impairment?

A. Dimentia

B. Mixed hearing

C. Difficulty following verbal directions

Select your answer:


Physical and Sensory Impairment CVA Macromolecules and Enzymes Regulation of Urine Formation Philosophy Bacteria Structure Safety Terms Innate Immunity Disease Cards Psoriasis Musculoskeletal Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Lifetime Wellness Human Organ System Fat

Other quiz:

Stress and Mental Health › View

How can we describe social health?

A. Condition of our body

B. How we relate to others

C. How we think and feel

Respiratory System › View

In humans, what happens when the breathing rate increases?

A. Additional oxygen will diffuse into the blood as carbon dioxide diffuses out of the blood in the lungs.

B. Additional carbon dioxide will diffuse into the blood as oxygen diffuses out of the blood in the lungs.

C. Oxygen from body cells will diffuse more rapidly into red blood cells.

D. Increased oxygen dissolved in the blood will stimulate the cerebrum to slow the breathing rate.