Medical Quiz

Immunology Quiz

Which of the following is the most abundant?

A. Basophil

B. Neutrophil

C. Eosinophil

D. Monocyte

Select your answer:


Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Macromolecules Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Genetic Diseases Anatomy and Histology of Stomach Brain and Nervous System Health Related Fitness 3M Micropara Homeostasis - Vision Correction Musculoskeletal Diseases Orthopedic Surgeon Male Reproductive System Sports Medicine The Vascular System and Blood Flow Consciousness and Sleep

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Major artery that goes out of the heart to the body?

A. Vena Cava

B. Aorta

C. Pulmonary Vein

D. Pulmonary Artery

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Why do premature infants suffer respiratory failture?

A. sudden changes in the oxygen from the uterine environment

B. mutations in genes regulating the formation of the lungs

C. lungs collapse due to lack of surfactants