Medical Quiz

Biomedical Quiz

Whose measurements are important for myoelectric control of prosthetic devices?

A. a) VCG

B. b) ECG

C. c) EEG

D. d) EMG

Select your answer:


Muscle Tissues Wellness Vocabulary Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways The Teeth Shoulder BMI (Body Mass Index) Genes, Chromosomes and Genome Teeth & Microbes Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Properties of Hair and Scalp Cells & Body Systems Thrombosis, Emboliya Medicine on the Western Front Reproductive System Vocabulary Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max)

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If you get something in your eye, what should you do first to get it out?

A. rub your eye

B. stick your finger in your eye and pull it out

C. blink repeatedly

D. wash eye out with water

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The X and Y chromosomes are called the
A. extra chromosomes.
B. phenotypes.
C. sex chromosomes.
D. All of the answers are correct.