Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

The part of the neuron that insulates the axon and increases the speed of the neural message within the neuron.

A. Synapse

B. Dendrite

C. Myelin Sheath

D. Axon Terminal Button

Select your answer:


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The study of covid-19 is …

A. Pathology

B. Morphology

C. Virology

D. Bacteriology

Biochemistry Vocabulary › View


A. a living component of an ecosystem; for example organisms, such as plants and animals.

B. a substance made up of two or more different chemical elements combined in a fixed ratio.

C. a chemical substance that cannot be broken down into other substances. The basic particle that constitutes a chemical element is the atom, and chemical elements are distinguished from each other by the number of protons in the nuclei of their atoms

D. a molecule containing a very large number of atoms, such as a protein, nucleic acid, lipid, or carbohydrate