Medical Quiz

Pathology Endocrine Quiz

Too little Iodine in diet causes

A. Goiter

B. Grave’s Disease

C. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Select your answer:


Excretory and Musculoskeletal System Diversity Health and Hygiene Human Physiology Disease Cards Visual Impairment Immunology and Serology Vocabulary The Cell Circulatory & Lymphatic Autism Awareness Eye or Nose Injuries Cell Theory Terms and Definitions - Diseases Sources Of Food

Other quiz:

Central Nervous System › View

What is an example of your body maintaining homeostasis? 

A. Your internal body temperature is 98.6o.

B. The hair growing on your head. 

C. Your fingernails and toenails breaking when they get too long. 

Musculoskeletal System › View

Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are considered _____ muscles because we can’t control them consciously.

A. Immovable

B. Involuntary

C. Skeletal

D. none of the above