What determines blood type?
A. Proteins on red blood cells
B. Proteins on white blood cells
C. Proteins in the plasma
D. Proteins on platelets
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Surgical Vocabulary EMR Pathophysiology History of Healthcare Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Types of Immunity Protozoan Diseases Infectious Disease and Pathogens History of Medicine Health and Diseases Musculoskeletal Injuries & Workstation Design Pain Pathophysiology Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Biochemistry Bacterial Growth Asexual ReproductionOther quiz:
Upper Limb › Viewow should the humeral epicondyles be aligned for a lateral projection of the elbow?
A. Within reasonable distace to aquire an AP instead
B. Perpendicular to IR
C. Parralel to IR
D. 45 degrees opposite directions
Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels › View
A Doctor prescribes a Blood Thinner, like Aspirin, to a patient with a Heart Condition.
How will this Blood Thinner affect the Flow and Viscosity of Blood?
A. The Blood Thinner will Increase the Flow and Decrease the Viscosity
B. The Blood Thinner will Decrease the Flow and Increase the Viscosity
C. The Blood Thinner will Increase the Flow and the Viscosity
D. The Blood Thinner will Decrease the Flow and the Viscosity