Medical Quiz

Digestive System Quiz

one of the many tube-shaped structures that carry your blood and other bodily fluids

A. toxins

B. vessels

C. mucus

D. reflex

Select your answer:


The Blood Nutritional Measurements Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Radiology Infection Control Diagnostics and Pathology Reports Cariology Shoulder Fish Health Management Immune Cells Faction Sarcomere Anatomy Health Related Fitness Blood Groups Muscles and Movements Diabetes Pathophysiology RDA Dental Caries

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Nephrology (Hemodialysis) › View

Arteriovenous fistula ( AVF ) maturity can be assessed by

A. jerking of venous line

B. blood flow exceeding 500 mls /minutes

C. diameter measurement of more than 6 mm

D. easy cannulation

Diagnostics and Pathology Reports › View

What is the removal of a breast tumor and surrounding tissue to help treat breast cancer?

A. mastectomy

B. chemotherapy

C. radiation therapy

D. lumpectomy