Medical Quiz

Endocrinology Quiz

Which among the following is not a disorder of pituitary gland?

A. Gigantism

B. Acromegaly

C. Dwarfism

D. Cretinism

Select your answer:


Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Systematic Bacteriology Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life Muscular System Movements Purpose and Function of the Skeletal System Diabetes Consciousness and Sleep Health Care Introduction to Kinesiology A&P Musculoskeletal Bacterial Cell Structure Speed, Flexibility part of Components of Physical Fitness Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi Infection Control

Other quiz:

Biotechnology › View

What is the use of computers and information technology to gain a new understanding of biology called?

A. Bioinformatics

B. Genetic engineering

C. Hybridization

D. Fermentation

Pathophysiology › View

What is the clinical purpose of contrast mediain diagnostic imaging?

A. Indicates the location of bones

B. Makes body structures easier to see through

C. Highlights the inner contours of body structures

D. Protects internal organs from radiation