Medical Quiz

Type of Dementia Quiz

In which type of dementia is a person more likely to experience problems following sequenced instructions as a prominent early stage symptom?

A. Alzheimer’s Disease

B. Vascular Dementia

C. Dementia with Lewy Bodies

D. Frontotemporal Dementia

Select your answer:


Mutations Lifetime Wellness Cells and Organ Systems Cell Structure and Functions Health - Nutrition Types of Doctors Nutrition in Humans and Animals Heterotrophic Nutrition Population Genetics Trauma Disease Cards Biology for Engineers Nervous System: Diseases/Problems/Illnesses Hospital Unit Infection Detection

Other quiz:

Blood Pathology › View

A. Erythrocytes

B. Platelets

C. Burr Cells

D. Target Cells

E. Rouleaux Stacking

Endocrinology › View

A 47-year-old male exhibited signs & symptoms of acromegaly. Radiologic studies revealed the presence of a large pituitary tumor. Surgery was only partially effective in controlling the disease. At this point, which of the following drugs is likely to be used for pharmacological therapy?

A. Desmopressin

B. Somatropin

C. Ocreotide

D. Leuprolide