Medical Quiz

Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Quiz

Parenchymal (pneumonia, ARDS, TB, fibrosis) and pleural (pneumothorax, pleural effusion) are classifications of which type of lung disease?

A. Restrictive

B. Obstructive

Select your answer:


Health Respiratory Skin Structure T Cells Gene Cloning Body System Interactions Protozoan Diseases Intravenous Fluid Therapy Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Heart Anatomy ADVBIO Genetics Respiratory Diseases Infant Nutrition The Cell Ortho Infectious Disease

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An athlete’s resting heart rate can be as low as 40-60 beats per minute due to a healthy heart.



Nutrition › View

The openings on the bottom of leaves, which allow in CO2 (carbon dioxide) and releases O2 (oxygen) is the 

A. stomata

B. xylem

C. Phloem

D. Mesophyll