Medical Quiz

Microbiology Quiz

You have received the first hepatitis A vaccine. It was required for your mission trip to Nicaragua in Central America, where hepatitis A is common. However, you never went back for the booster shot of the vaccine, which should have been received within 6 months of the initial vaccination. What statement accurately reflects your present immunity to this pathogen?

A. This is not a problem because the second dosage is just extra protection. Your immune status would be very high.

B. You are at risk to get hepatitis A since your immune status is only partial. Not enough immune memory cells were produced since you received one dosage of vaccine, so you are likely to get the disease when exposed to the virus.

C. The one dosage is not enough because it only activated humoral immunity. The second dosage is used to activate cell-mediated immunity. The combination of the two immune responses gives you 100% coverage of immunity to hepatitis A.

D. Not a problem because at any time, in a year, 5 years, etc., you can go get the booster vaccine for hepatitis A and be fully covered by immunity.

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