Medical Quiz

Respiratory and Urinary Quiz

What are the structures that transport the urine to the bladder via peristalsis?

A. urethra

B. kidneys

C. ureters

D. urinary meatus

Select your answer:


Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Blood Pressure Muscles and Healthy Body Pharmacology Vitamins Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Leaves Toxicology Hematology / Oncology T Cells Cell Theory Excretion AEMT EMS Systems Connective Tissue Physical Activity Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review

Other quiz:

Blood Typing › View

Which blood type is known as the universal donor? (can be used by all)

A. AB +

B. AB –

C. O+

D. O-

Enzyme › View

What is structure C?

A. Substrate

B. Active site

C. Enzyme

D. Products