Medical Quiz

Respiratory System Med Term Quiz

increased tissue spaces caused by destruction of alveoli

A. pneumonia

B. emphasema

C. tuberculosis

D. asthma

Select your answer:


Healthy Living EMR - Trauma Blood Pressure Medical Terminology Micro Immunology Oral Surgery Male Reproductive System Vaccines Serology/Blood Typing Alzheimer Disease Cell Theory and Cellular Structure Histology of Nervous and Muscle Tissues Stimuli and Responses in Humans Diabetes Pathophysiology Lifestyle Diseases

Other quiz:

Organisms › View

What are the two main groups of vertebrates?

A. Mammals, birds, and fish

B. Dinosaurs, reptiles, and amphibians

C. Reptiles, amphibians, and insects

D. Plants, fungi, and bacteria

Pathophysiology › View

The body trying to fix or correct itself when something goes wrong is called:

A. compensation

B. fight-or-flight

C. hypertension

D. perfusion