Medical Quiz

Biology for Engineers Quiz

Which of the following act like catalyst

A. m-RNA

B. t-RNA

C. r-RNA

D. both a and b

Select your answer:


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Central and Peripheral Nervous System › View

An impulse is travelling along an axon. It reaches a synapse, what happens next?

A. The impulse jumps the gap to the dendrite of the next neuron and continues on its way

B. Neurotransmitters are released into the synapse, which bind to the next neuron, generating an impulse in that neuron

C. Dopamine is released into the synapse, which binds to the next neuron, generating an impulse in that neuron

D. The impulse waits while the next neuron prepares itself to receive the signal

Selective Breeding › View

What is Inbreeding?

A. When two closely related animals are bred together

B. When two non related animals are bred together

C. When animals are allowed to chose their own mates

D. When humans choose which animals will mate together