Medical Quiz

Anatomy Quiz

What are synovial joints also known as?

A. Freely moving joints

B. Freely moveable joints

C. Free to move joints

D. Free moving joints

Select your answer:


Integumentary System: Skin Disorder Mitosis Nutrition in Animals Stroke Energy and Metabolism Illness and Symptoms Obstructive Lung Disease Circulatory & Lymphatic ICU Eco Factors & Bacteria Skull Health and Disease Healthcare Systems and Insurance Circulatory & Respiratory System Bacterial Growth

Other quiz:

Infection Control › View

Vector-borne transmission of disease occurs

A. when the hands come into contact with a fomite

B. when food or medication is contaminated

C. when disease is spread by an insect or rodent

D. when an infectious agent is inhaled through the air

Hematology / Oncology › View

What should be applied for at least 15 minutes in case of a superficial bleeding in a Hemophilia patient?

A. Cold compress

B. Heat pad

C. RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)

D. Tourniquet