Medical Quiz

Fat Quiz

What types of fats are more healthy for us to consume and why?

A. Complete fats because they help the body regulate production of hormones.

B. Saturated fats because they are full of nutrients that benefit the body.

C. Water soluble fats because they can easily break down in water so the body can get rid of it.

D. Unsaturated fats because they contain “good” cholesterol which can help the body function properly.

E. Incomplete fats because these do not contain as many calories as other types of fat.

Select your answer:


Transplantation Immunology Cell Structure and Function Concept Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal Fat The Ear Hematologic System Circulatory and Respiratory System Non-Communicable Disease Tissue Repair Pathology Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Genetics Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels DNA and RNA Structures Common Respiratoty Diseases Neurons Physical Fitness Components

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A. Specific antibodies

B. Weakened pathogen

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How do Deaf Blind people use the computer?

A. They don’t

B. An interpreter reads it for them

C. They use adapted screen changes or a screen reader

D. Very carefully