★ Healthy Living Quiz
What should you eat for breakfast?
A. Nutella on toast
B. Chocolate and strawberry pancakes
C. Cereal
D. Sweets and Chocolate
Select your answer:
Components of Physical Fitness Tutor Oral Biology Physical Fitness Genetic Diseases Surgical Nutrition Musculoskeletal Injuries Cellular Respiration Purpose and Function of the Skeletal System Infection Control Gastroenterology Nursing Lifestyle Diseases Asexual Reproduction PHE Healthy Lifestyle Intravenous Fluid Therapy Head and Neck AnatomyOther quiz:
Respiratory System Med Term › Viewpharyngitis
A. inflammation of the pharnyx
B. infection of the pharnyx
C. inflammation of the trachea
D. infection of the trachea
Healthy Lifestyle › View
It makes you feel cold and shiver then hot and sweaty. Your whole body aches with it. What’s the illness?
A. Earache
B. Cold
C. Flu
D. Cut