Medical Quiz

Circulatory System - Pathway of Blood Quiz

Where does the heart get its oxygen?

A. lungs

B. pulmonary veins

C. pullmonary arteries

D. aorta

Select your answer:


Non-infectious Disease The Digestive System Cardiovascular System Histology - Tissues Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Biochemistry Lab Homeostasis - Vision Correction Body Movements Cellular Respiration Microorganism - Diseases Cardiology Medications Disorders of The Joints Disabilities Enzyme Human Excretory System

Other quiz:

Genetics and Probability › View

One form of a gene is called_______________

A. a DNA

B. a Phenotype

C. a trait

D. an allele

Musculoskeletal System › View

What is the name for the bones that make up the spine? (It goes down the middle of our back)

A. vertebrae

B. ribs

C. skull

D. humerus