Medical Quiz

Anatomy Muscles Quiz

The part of the muscle that moves and is farthest from the skeleton is the______.

A. ligament

B. tendon

C. insertion

D. origin

Select your answer:


Human Excretory System Humanistic and Biological Psychology Chronic Diseases Water Macromolecules The Cell Cycle & Cancer Nutritional Measurements Histology of Nervous and Muscle Tissues Stroke Fad Diets Food and Nutrition Branches of Medicine Bio Cells Hearing Impairment Immunology: T cell Development Alzheimer Disease and Dementia

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What antigen-specific T cell attaches to class I MHC?

A. CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes

B. CD4+ helper T lymphocytes

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What is a synthesis reaction?

A. Break down reaction

B. Build up reaction

C. Reaction rate stays the same

D. Reaction rate slows down