Medical Quiz

Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Quiz

The state of the body early in the morning approximately 12 hours after the last ingestion of food or other nutrition

A. Basal State

B. Base State

C. Equilibrium State

D. Crenate Stae

Select your answer:


Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Body Pediatrics Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Musculoskeletal Vocabulary Muscles and Movements Molecular Basis of Inheritance Teeth and Microbes Blood Typing Life Cycle - Bee Inheritance Respiratory, Cardiovascular & Oncology Nasal Polyp Patho_Genetics Pathology Endocrine

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two layers of involuntary muscles produce wave like contractions called

A. enzymes

B. salivary

C. peristalsis

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Which of the following S/S of deficiency in (Vitamin A)

A. Night blindness

B. osteomalacia

C. rickets

D. bleeding tendency