Medical Quiz

Radiology Infection Control Quiz

Use of a chemical or physical procedure to destroy all pathogens, including spores is:

A. Asepsis

B. Infection Control

C. Sterilize

D. Antiseptic

Select your answer:


Pathophysiology Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi Biochemistry of Diabetes Terms and Definitions - Diseases Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Vascular Branches of Microbiology BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Anatomy Muscles Immune System Systematic Bacteriology Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Malaria Anatomy and Histology of Stomach

Other quiz:

Musculoskeletal System › View

_________ form where bones meet.

A. Joints

B. Cartilage

C. Ligaments

Cardiovascular System › View

Systolic blood pressure can be defined as:

A. The amount of pressure in your arteries during the contraction of your heart (top number)

B. The amount of pressure in your arteries during the relaxation of your heart (bottom number)