Medical Quiz

Eye Quiz

A person with only one eye would probably have bad…

A. depth perception.

B. astigmatism.

C. accuity.

D. myopia.

Select your answer:


Cell Structure and Functions Injury Food System & Nutrients DNA Replication Diseases of The Nervous System Vocabulary - Health The Chemistry of Microbiology Bonding and the Periodic Table General Anatomy Erythrocyte Disorders Public Health and Genetic Disease Selective Breeding Immunity and Vaccines Immune System Cardiovascular Nursing

Other quiz:

Pharmacology › View

The majority of drug molecules move throughout the tissue fluid or across cellular membrane barriers by

A. Osmosis

B. passive diffusion

C. up a concentration gradient

D. active transport

Pancreas › View

Glucagon targets:

A. the pancreas

B. all cells of the body

C. the liver

D. mostly fat cells