Medical Quiz

Respiratory Quiz

The formula for PF ratio is

A. PaO2/Fio2

B. Pao2 x Fio2 / 3

Select your answer:


Immunity in Humans Musculoskeletal Chest, Back, Abs Macromolecules & Enzymes Nail Disorders and Diseases EMR Pathophysiology Arteries Introduction to Kinesiology Bacterial Cell Structure Pharmacology Calculations Diet Fat Bacteria and Protist Review Asexual Reproduction Germs & Diseases

Other quiz:

Discovery of DNA › View

What feature did Hershey and Chase use to differentiate between the protein and nucleic acid in their experiment?

A. Proteins have phosphorus and nucleic acids have sulfur

B. Proteins have sulfur and nucleic acids have phosphorus

C. Proteins are single stranded and nucleic acids are double stranded

D. Proteins are double stranded and nucleic acids are single stranded

Circulatory System › View

What is the circulatory system?

A. The system that circulates blood through the body

B. The system that helps food travel through the body.

C. The system that controls your breathing

D. The system that helps your body digest.