Medical Quiz

Bacteria and Viruses Quiz

Virus that is inactive inside a cell, gets reproduced with the cell, and can active at a later time is ______.

A. latent

B. hidden

C. fixation

D. aerobe

Select your answer:


Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Psychopathology Medical Careers Lipid Metabolism DNA Injuries in Archery Biochemistry Immunity in Humans Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors Integumentary System & Body Directions Enzymes and Digestion Immunity and Vaccines Children Well-being Facial & Dental Injuries Heterotrophic Nutrition

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What is interstitial fluid?

A. Fluid in the stomach

B. Fluid that surrounds tissue cells

C. Fluid in the lungs

D. Fluid in the rectum

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Calcium is stored in the ___.

A. sarcoplasm

B. sarcolemma

C. sarcoplasmic reticulum

D. transverse tubules