Medical Quiz

Properties of the Hair Quiz

Hair is approximately ________ percent protein.

A. 70

B. 20

C. 50

D. 90

Select your answer:


Properties of Hair and Scalp Infant Nutrition Hemodynamics Nerve Injuries in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) Medical Suffixes Paeds Edema Nutrition - Digestive System Eye in Color Vision Name that Pathogen Neuron Structure Health and Nutrition Biotechnology Biomedical Disabilities

Other quiz:

Circulatory / Respiratory › View

Which of the following is required from a terrestrial mammals respiratory system?

A. thin permeable membrane

B. large surface area

C. moist membranes for gas exchange

D. good supply of blood

E. all of these

Hematology / Oncology › View

During a hospital stay for a sickle cell crisis, what is the primary goal of therapeutic management for a patient with Sickle Cell Anemia?

A. Nutritional support

B. Hydration, Oxygenation, Pain Control

C. Antibiotic therapy

D. Surgical intervention