Medical Quiz

The Brain Quiz

Which list represents major functions of the left hemisphere?

A. Speech, reading & writing

B. Art, music, colors and shapes

Select your answer:


Transportation Hemodynamics DNA and Genetic Manipulation Physical and Sensory Impairment Infection Biochemistry of Diabetes Cancer (Bio II) Radiology Infection Control Fish Health Management HHB Immunology Bones and Muscles Unintentional Injuries Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Pathogens Contemporary Nutrition Issues

Other quiz:

Organ Systems › View

breaks down food and absorbs nutrients

A. muscular

B. digestive

C. nervous

D. urinary

Nutrition and Human Digestive System › View

Which of the following process do not take place in the colon of the human body?

A. absorption of water

B. absorption of minerals

C. absorption of fatty acids

D. absorption of Vitamin B