Medical Quiz

Dermis Quiz

Sweat glands

A. coiled tubular glands in the deep dermis

B. grape-shaped collections of cells with a common duct that surround hair follicles

Select your answer:


Geriatrics Cardiorespiratory System Heredity Disease and Immunity Body Nutrition Homeostasis and Disease Healthy Lifestyle Muscular System Psychiatry Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Bacterial Protein Synthesis Inhbitors Trauma Pathology Endocrine Nutrition In Animal

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Nutrition › View

Males usually require more energy than females because they

A. are more aggressive

B. lose heat more easily

C. are stronger

D. more active

Genetics › View

When parents with different traits are bred, a trait that reappears in the second generation after disappearing in the first generation is a
A. dominant trait
B. true-breeding trait
C. recessive trait
D. characteristic