Medical Quiz

Respiratory System Quiz

PaO2 90
SaO2 95
pH 7.48
PaCO2 32
HCO3 24

A. Respiratory Acidosis

B. Respiratory Alkalosis

C. Metabolic Acidosis

D. Metabolic Alkalosis

Select your answer:


Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Immunity Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Bones Skin Appendages Surgical & Complementary Terms Safety Terms EMR - Trauma Homeostasis and Disease Cell Cycle Diagnostic Tools Patho_Genetics Circulatory & Lymphatic ADVBIO Genetics Dermis

Other quiz:

Tenses › View

Choose the past perfect continuous tense form of the sentence. “The children played in the park throughout the evening.”

A. The children played in the park throughout the evening.

B. The children have been playing in the park throughout the evening.

C. The children had played in the park throughout the evening.

D. The children had been playing in the park throughout the evening.

Blood types and Blood Components › View

Which blood type is the universal recipient?

A. Type A

B. Type B

C. Type AB

D. Type O