Medical Quiz

Ankle Injuries Quiz

Identify the grade of sprain: moderate swelling, bruising, instability, moderate loss of function with visible limp.

A. Grade 2

B. Grade 1

C. Grade 3

D. Grade 5

Select your answer:


Cosmetology Medical Microbiology Histology of Nervous and Muscle Tissues Medicinal use of Microorganisims Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates Respiration, Immune System, Blood Cells Genetics Inheritance Ears Properties of The Hair and Scalp Vision (AP Psych) Alzheimer Disease Bacteria & Viruses Musculoskeletal Disorders Measles and Hib

Other quiz:

Digestive System › View

The correct sequence of structures in the gut is ______.

A. Esophagus, Small intestine, Stomach, Large Intestine

B. Esophagus, Stomach, Large Intestine, Small Intestine

C. Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine

D. Stomach, Esophagus, Small Intestine, Large Intestine

The Brain › View

The center of visual perception

A. Frontal lobe

B. Parietal lobe

C. Occipital lobe

D. Temporal lobe