A sign of a first degree burn is…..
A. only the outer layer of skin
B. a deep burn to the bone
C. appears wet
Select your answer:
Blood types and Blood Components Cardiology Medications Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal Environmental Biotechnology Teeths The Brain Trauma Viruses and Prions Musculoskeletal System Protein Synthesis Enzymes Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems Health and Medicine Physio Intro Practice The Cell Careers in Health CareOther quiz:
Pharmacology › ViewA drug that has a margin of safety of 75 is
A. safer than a drug whose margin of safety is 5
B. less safe than a drug whose margin of safety is 5
C. ineffective at low doses
D. not marketable in the united states
Nutrition › View
Which of the following factors determine the energy requirement of humans?
A. Occupation/ Daily activities
B. Age
C. Gender
D. All of the above