Medical Quiz

Virus Quiz

Which of the following correctly describes viruses?

A. non-living because they grow and develop

B. living because they can use energy

C. non-living because they cannot reproduce on their own

D. living because they can maintain homeostasis

Select your answer:


Lifetime Wellness Health Issues and Concerns Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) Dyslexia Embryology First Aid Check up Urinary System Medical Terms Movement Glucose in the Body Regulation of Urine Formation Radiation and Health Dental Caries Your Body Stimuli and Responses in Humans Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates

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The job of the root hair cell is to:

A. help protect a root

B. help a root to take in water

C. help to get rid of wastes from a root

D. use photosynthesis to make food

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The rRNA present in Bacterial ribosomes are

A. 25S, 16S and 5S

B. 28S, 18S and 5S

C. 23S, 16S and 5.8S

D. 23S, 16S and 5S