Medical Quiz

Cell Injury Quiz

Temperature control is an example of

A. Positive feedback

B. Negative feedback

Select your answer:


The Ear Fats and Coronary Heart Disease Joints in our Body Renal Schizophrenia Obesity Eye Histology Forensic Odontology Vessels Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Upper Limb Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels Human Genetics Healthcare Careers Vision and Light

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Oral Surgery › View

The technique of drainage of abscess cavity is by

A. Hippocrates method

B. Hilton’s method

C. Dean’s method

D. None of the above

ESR (RBC sed rate) › View

Increasing levels of plasma proteins (primarily fibrinogen, alpha globulins, or gamma globulins)

A. fall faster,
increasing ESR

B. fall slower,
decreasing ESR