Medical Quiz

Circulatory System Quiz

Type of circulation that refers to the blood flowing through the entire body?

A. Systemic circulation

B. Renal circulation

C. Portal circulation

D. Pulmonary circulation

Select your answer:


Pulmonary Edema and CHF Cell Division Erythrocyte Disorders Joints Mouth - Stomach Radiology Infection Control Hele Skeletal System Genetic Engineering Immunity Skin Diseases Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Musculoskeletal System Medical Terminology Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology

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What detects that the system is outside of homeostasis and adjustments need to be made?

A. effector

B. response

C. control center

D. stimulus

The Brain Our Control Center › View

Lobe that plays a major role in the following functions/actions -Senses and integrates sensation(s) -Touch, pressure, temperature and pain; Spatial awareness and perception

A. Frontal

B. Parietal

C. Temporal 

D. Occipital