Medical Quiz

Microbial Growth Quiz

E. coli undergoes binary fission approximately every 20 minutes. If a culture started with 1000 cells, how many cells would be there be after 3 hours? (Given Nt=Ni x 2n)

A. 1000 x 29

B. 1000 x 23

C. 20 x 21000

D. 20 x 23

Select your answer:


Thyroid Gland Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Cariology Conjunctivita Lifestyle Diseases Health and The Environment Healthy Lifestyle Renal Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Anatomy and Histology of Stomach PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY Circulatory and Nervous System Acute Responses to Exercise Psychopathology Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up

Other quiz:

Respiration in Organisms › View

What are the effects of lack of oxygen on the human body?

A. Increased energy and alertness

B. Improved lung function and capacity

C. Enhanced immune system response

D. Loss of consciousness and organ damage

Musculoskeletal - Clinical › View

A nurse is caring for a client who has a new below-the-knee amputation. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

A. ​Rewrap the stump 3 times a day.

B. ​Anchor the elastic bandage to the distal site of the amputation.

C. Elevate the stump on 2 pillows for the first 3 days following the amputation.

D. Wrap the stump in a consecutive circular direction.