Which feature typifies T-tubules?
A. Evaginations of the sarcoplasmic reticulum
B. Sequester calcium during muscle relaxation, releasing it during contraction
C. Carry depolarization to the muscle fiber interior
D. Overlie the A-I junction in cardiac muscle cells
E. Rich supply of acetylcholine receptors
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Blood & Blood Vessels › ViewWhich tunica Rests on a basement membrane
A. intima
B. externa
C. media
Cell and Muscle Histology › View
With the transmission electron microscope skeletal muscle fibers can be seen to contain structures called triads. What do the two lateral components of a triad represent?
A. Attachment sites for thick myofilaments
B. Sites for calcium sequestration and release
C. Sites for impulse conduction into the fiber
D. Sites for ATP production
E. Sites for synthesis of proteins to be secreted outside the cell