Medical Quiz

Healthy Lifestyle Quiz

Which of the following is the example of food with carbohydrates?

A. Egg and milk

B. Chapatti and oats

C. Egg and fish

D. Chicken and meat

Select your answer:


Respiratory System Salmonella vs E.coli Bone Marrow Histology Sense of Sight Cardiovascular and Respiratory Cartilage Introduction to Histology Skin Structure Bone Consciousness and Sleep Microrganisms Body Systems AEMT EMS Systems Children Well-being Muscle pathophysiology

Other quiz:

Neurological Concepts › View

define spasticity

A. increase muscle tone with inability to voluntarily control the muscles actively or passively on one side of the joint

B. abnormal decrease in muscle tone caused by damage to motor neurons in ventral horn and spinal nerves in the periphery nerves

C. form of hypertonicity that involves difficulty moving the muscle groups on both side of the joint

D. severe spasticity at joint

Blood and Bones › View

Tendons connect…

A. bones to joints.

B. muscles to bones.

C. bones to bones.

D. muscles to muscles.