LRE is the term we use to assess each student carefully to determine the appropriate placement for services. This is an acronym for what?
A. Limited Restrictive Education
B. Least Restrictive Environment
C. Little Restrictive Education
D. Limited Education Restriction
Select your answer:
Respiratory System Med Term Eco Factors & Bacteria MEDICINE Health Issues and Concerns Respiration in Organisms Microorganisms, Health and Diseases The Skeletal System The Nervous System and The Senses Musculoskeletal Anatomy: Knee RDA Dental Caries Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Macromolecules and Enzymes Introduction to Pharmacology Animal Nutrition Infectious Disease and PathogensOther quiz:
Nutrition › ViewYou consume 2 servings of ice cream, how many calories are you consuming?
*150 calories per serving
A. 150
B. 300
C. 450
D. 600
Burns and Skin Cancer › View
Why can you often not feel third-degree burns?
A. Because they severely damage the nerve endings in your skin
B. Because they only slightly damage the dermis.
C. Because they cause scabs to form and this seals the skin and prevents dehydration.
D. Because they only a partial thickness burn.