Topics: Vocabulary - Health Quiz
A good, nourishing diet with plenty to drink will guard against digestive diseases.
A. nutrient
B. nutrition
C. nutritionist
D. nutritious
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Bones Anatomy Hematology in Veterinary Medicine Bonding and the Periodic Table Infectious Diease Common Respiratoty Diseases Joints in our Body Discovery of DNA Introduction to Kinesiology The Digestive System Cell Vocabulary Corona Biochemistry Disorders of The Joints Child Growth and Development LipidsOther quiz:
Bone Development and Remodeling › ViewA disc of hyaline cartilage that grows during childhood to lengthen the bone.
A. epiphyseal plate
B. epiphyseal line
C. meniscus
D. articular cartilage
Blood and Bones › View
The shape of the RBC allows for a greater surface area so the cell can
A. fit through capillaries easily
B. exchange gasses more quickly
C. hold additional hemoglobin
D. reproduce quicker