Topics: Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric Quiz
If something is …, it is associated with genes. A gene is a pattern of chemicals inside a cell that contains information about qualities that a living thing receives from its parents.
A. aging
B. geriatric
C. neurological
D. genetic
Select your answer:
Hematology Acute Leukemias Circulatory and Nervous System Disorders of The Joints Nutrition & Wellness Eye Histology Carbohydrate Metabolism Phlebotomy Population Genetics Animal Nutrition Neurological Disorders Food Microbiology Tissues of The Body Bacterial Protein Synthesis Inhbitors Cell Cycle Disease, Immunity, and PhatogensOther quiz:
Blood Pathology › View
RBC’s with large, white, donut holes due to lack of hemoglobin; deficiency of stored iron; has microcytic RBCs. (Look at left One)
A. Polycythemia Vera
B. Sickle-cell Anemia
C. Iron Deficiency Anemia
D. Eosinophilia
E. Infectious Mononucleosis
Musculoskeletal › View
There are 2 types of isotonic muscle contraction