Medical Quiz

Topics: Pathogens Quiz

Which of the following statements about pathogens is true?

A. A pathogen describes anything that causes illness or disease

B. Pathogens are all microscopic

C. All pathogens are transmitted through the air from host to host

D. All pathogens cause cells to swell and burst

Select your answer:


Epidemiology Vitamins Orthopaedic Neurology Oronasal Suctioning Bonding and the Periodic Table Cosmetology Excretion-Dialysis RDA Dental Caries Renal and Gastrointestinal System Body System Interactions Living Organisms Basics of Cardiology The Cell Cycle Diseases The Blood

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What part of the body is most commonly affected by osteonecrosis?

A. Femur

B. Spine

C. Skull

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An endotoxin is ______.

A. secreted by pathogenic organisms

B. indicative of fungal infections

C. indicative of gram-negative bacterial infection

D. indicative of viral infections