Medical Quiz

Topics: Levels of Organization Quiz

The basic unit of structure and function for the body.

A. cell

B. atom

C. organelle

D. nucleus

Select your answer:


Bio Cells Nutritional Measurements Microbes and Infectious Disease Speed, Flexibility part of Components of Physical Fitness Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Hair Evidence Brain and Nervous System Health issue related to immune system Trichology Joints Alzheimer Disease Microbes Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria Selective Breeding Cellular Components

Other quiz:

Immune System › View

Small blood vessels that diffuse oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients.

A. heart

B. arteries

C. veins

D. capillaries

Carbohydrate Metabolism › View

What is the primary site for carbohydrate digestion?

A. Mouth

B. Stomach

C. Small Intestine

D. Liver