Topics: Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Quiz
You begin feeling sick to your stomach Friday after work. Your doctor closed at noon. What facility would be your least expensive option for care?
A. Hospice
B. Hospital
C. Industrial Health Center
D. Urgent Care
Select your answer:
Nail Enhancement Muscle Tissue Joints Types of Medical Reports Shelter Medicine Dyslexia Pathology Inflammation Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System Health Systems Urinary System, Fluid, Electrolyte and ph Balance Musculoskeletal Fitness Degeneration Pathology Iron Kinetics Human Body Systems CellOther quiz:
STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) › ViewWhich of the of the following measurements would you immediately report to the nurse?
A. Blood Pressure: 112/36
B. Pulse: 98
C. Respirations: 18
D. Pulse Ox: 100%
Cardiovascular System › View
Cardiovascular circuit that Carrie’s blood to the lungs for gas exchange and returns it to the heart, it is also the main function of the right side of the heart
A. Pulmonary circuit
B. Systemic circuit