Medical Quiz

Topics: Forensic Pathology Quiz

The specific body failure that leads to death.

A. Manner of death

B. Mechanism of death

C. Cause of death

Select your answer:


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rapid (sudden) pathological death

A. occurs due to physiological wear, aging

B. occurs when death occurs consecutively to chronic organ insufficiency

C. occurs after a peracute or acute illness, but also in some chronic diseases (determinant cause), where additional causal factors result in death

D. caused by the action of an external factor (accident, intoxication, slaughter)

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A heart disease patient must present with what to qualify? Except:

A. NYHA Class IV (observable insufficiency at rest)

B. Be on optimum diuretic and vasodilator therapy

C. History of cardiac arrest

D. Heart cath within 12 months prior admission

E. Unexplained syncope