Medical Quiz

Topics: Eco Factors & Bacteria Quiz

Which type of bacteria is responsible for causing diseases?

A. Friendly bacteria

B. Neutral bacteria

C. Pathogenic bacteria

D. Harmless bacteria

Select your answer:


Anatomy & Physiology Health and Hygiene The Musculoskeletal System T Cells Neuron Structure Human Genome and Bioethics Review Bio Cells Asexual/Sexual Reproduction The Circulatory System Head and Neck Anatomy Movement and Locomotion Heterotrophic Nutrition Sports Medicine Hospital Wards and Departments Kinetics

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Arteries › View

Which artery travels up into the head from the neck? (highlighted in green)

A. Brachial

B. Pulmonary

C. Carotid

D. Iliac

Anatomy of the Eye › View

True or false: The pupil is physical structure.

A. True, it is the black circular part of our eye

B. False, it is an opening in the iris but not an physical structure.