Medical Quiz

Topics: Disease & Immunity Quiz

What is the best definition of antibodies?

A. antibiotics that help you when you are sick

B. organs that create pathogens

C. pathogens that enter the bloodstream

D. proteins that attach to antigens and make them useless

Select your answer:


Hematology The Brain Our Control Center Joints Medical Terminology Protein Synthesis Enzymes Deficiency Diseases Functional Neuroanatomy of the CNS Iron Kinetics Nervous & Endocrine Systems Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Medical Suffixes Eye or Nose Injuries Cell Structure and Function Genetics and Censorship Pain Pathophysiology

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Respiration in Organisms › View

What is the function of alveoli in the lungs?

A. To produce mucus for lubrication in the lungs.

B. To filter out dust and particles from the air.

C. To store oxygen for later use.

D. The function of alveoli in the lungs is to enable gas exchange between the air and the bloodstream.

Immunology › View

What term describes making lots of the same type of cell?

A. Clonal lymphocytes

B. Clonal phagocytosis

C. Clonal termination

D. Clonal expansion